Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself I Am:

A man who is soon to be married.

A man who thought the only way you could convince him to run was to let loose a an angry lion or bear behind him, but now enjoys running just for the thrill of the air hitting his face and the company of his fiance on the road beside him.

A man who maintains a love/hate relationship with his job.

A man who has high aspirations but is still uncertain as to what his place is in the world outside of next to his future wife ;-P (Not for brownie points, but I'll take them)

A man who people look up to... literally, not necessarily figuratively though that would be nice too.

and A man who needs to go to bed before his fiance catches him blogging again ;-P


So as I learn more about this "Blogger" I hope I am becoming more of a blogger myself. If I'm lucky I'll eventually get to the point where I have something semi intelligent to say.

Stuff Just Got Real!

Woah! Stuff just got real... Ever feel like you're being watched? ... OMG I'm being watched right now! people are actually reading this blog! Well, to all you watchers, I'm watching you, watching me, watching you!


Comment if you get what I'm talking about!

Tough Questions

Shoot, the fiance already asked me the question I had no idea how to answer and was hoping would just pop into my head like a Redenbacher kernel in a microwave!

Her: "What are you going to blog about?"
Me: "... uh... stuff?"

Who know's maybe I'll find my voice but until then I'll just keep blogging about random things like this!


Out of the chaos of nothing, I have created this blog...